Exhibitions - 16.03.2024 - 14.07.2024


Sweat and passion on the pitch

© Gerhard Haderer


Museum Wilhelm Busch, the most important centre for caricature and satirical art, is planning an exhibition for UEFA EURO 2024: entitled "anPFIFF! Sweat and passion on the pitch", the exhibition will take a pictorial, critical but always humorous look at key aspects that illustrate and scrutinise the various functions of football in society from March to July 2024. The project description states: "Humour is far too rare on the pitch anyway - and even more so where people talk shop about it." In addition to the ironic approach to sporting aspects, the exhibition also deals with great values such as team spirit, tolerance and respect, but also hooliganism, racism, exploding player salaries and gender inequality. To accompany the exhibition in the museum, an extensive accompanying programme is being created with a dozen or so cooperation partners, which takes an interactive and integrative approach with workshops and school activities.


Wilhelm Busch - German Museum of Caricature and Drawing

16.03.2024 - 14.07.2024

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