Exhibitions - 23.05.2024 - 31.07.2024


Football under National Socialism


The exhibition "Sport.Power.Exclusion. Football under National Socialism" is a cooperation project between what matters gGmbH and the Berlin Sports Museum. It will be shown in Berlin in 2024 before and during EURO24. In the run-up to the tournament, the Sportmuseum Berlin is developing an exhibition on football during the Nazi era in collaboration with what matters projects gGmbH. It will take a critical look at the close links between politics and football under National Socialism. It will focus on the function of football in the formation and stabilisation of the National Socialist "national community".

The focus is on power structures and the fate of those people in football who suffered under the racist and anti-Semitic policies. The exhibition, which is being shown in the Olympiapark - the former Reichssportfeld - aims to contribute to an ongoing examination of football's Nazi past. It does this by reflecting on the current significance of participation and exclusion in our society.


what matters projects gGmbH

23.05.2024 - 31.07.2024

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