Music & Dance - 30.08.2023 - 01.09.2023


Yes, you can!

Music & Dance

Under the motto "Can I kick it? Yes, you can!", the Pop-Kultur Festival at the Kulturbrauerei in Berlin featured a discursive and interactive programme - at the football table, in the cinema, in discussion rounds, playful performances and in an exhibition - that addressed how important "football" is in socio-political terms and how, ideally, it transcends generations, gender and class issues. The focus was on questions of solidarity, new collective practices and the links between football and pop culture. The programme put together by Yesim Duman and Pamela Owusu-Brenyah was not only about what goes wrong in the business of football, but also about what is possible with football culture.


Pop-Kultur/ Musicboard Berlin GmbH

30.08.2023 - 01.09.2023

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